This time of the year always makes me think of how I can make things better in different parts of my life. It can feel like a lot of pressure but it can also feel freeing to know that I'm getting closer to the things I want to achieve. I've slowly grown to not like my website and feel scattered in the art that I make and the direction that Poppysmicks is going. So I'm going to making some changes:
-A new website will be launching early 2019
-New business cards to better express the essence of Poppysmicks
-I will no longer be posting monthly vlogs
-The shop will be cleared out with new artwork available early 2019
Part of me feels silly for making changes before Poppysmicks is officially a year old. But my artwork and my goals will always continue to shift or adapt and I would rather grow with them rather than to feel chained to ideas I had from the start.
So here are some new ideas coming to Poppymicks:
-I will be sharing my reading list and creating blog posts for each book to share what I learned!
-Embroidery tutorials will be uploaded to Youtube and to my blog!
-I will be creating art journals to share my adventures that would normally be shared in a vlog format
Work Life Balance:
With all this being said though, I also need to remember and make time for my life outside of Poppysmicks.
I feel like many people criticize the "hard work pays off" mentality in the regular work place setting, yet there is this unspoken pressure to constantly be working hard on your side hustle so that you can have your dream job, or that your life is somehow meaningless if your not spending your time on trying to create something on your own.
I'm not saying that I want to quit Poppysmicks or that it's really not that important. I would just like to relieve some pressure, not worrying too much about getting enough done or the results but just enjoying the journey.
I've been listening to the podcast called Bad*** Creative recently and in one of the episodes a woman gave great advice to make your personal, familial, and social resolutions first before you make your creative or business goals. This was so helpful because it's so easy to get caught up with all the things we'd like to accomplish and it's so important o make time for friends, family and yourself to keep you grounded and full of love <3
Anyways I hope you enjoyed hearing some of my thoughts of the changes that will be coming to Poppysmicks and I wish you all the best in 2019!
Until next time 😘